Hi ppl...
Here now...listening to SUN latest album...fav song is - Princess..the wat..."Gong Ju" anyway a nice n cheeky song but i like it. Another one is the "hug" song.."yong bao"...hum...kind of touching..heart warming..nice. remember the 1st time i watched this MTV...man..i teared..why? i guess it is really touching and really show the world how is it like out there...ppl around needs love..hum..so lets really love ppl around us.
Yet of course, there are ppl who dont want to be love by ppl, we cant blame them or do wat to them...i guess only way is to let them be..guess they might have many disappointment, hurts...watever they face they just dont want to get hurt.Then here, i pray that they (all those ppl) will be willing and open up to be love by ppl around. When time comes..they will be open up for us to love them. But again, we need to be tactful to them. right? Dont want them to get hurt again. ya...
Now...what i have in my mind? hum..this week at my work, we are coming out with plan for the leadership course for the working ppl out there. Than i am in charge of doing research of leadership vs management..i tell you all..it blew my mind! No choice but to read those info i found, i gain knowledge and understanding. Its like studying like that...it was fun. I realise that being a leader is more then wat i already know. To be a leader is not so easy, got to handle ppl, have vision, no fear etc..so i learn a lot of new things while searching for more info on the topic. Wow!
See...knowledge is power..and it will bring us (u n me) to another level. So i really think EDUCATION is very important! But not just that, our daily knowledge is just as important. So reading newspaper, getting info from Internet, watching news etc will improve our knowledge.
Well, yes, fun must still be a part of our life...so there must be a balance in our life. Knowing things/events happening around our world will give us a clearer view of what it is going on. Then have knowledge will empower us to think or create ways to do things that will create a better change around the world or for us, singaporean-a better singapore.
Just to give a thought for all of us to read and really think about what it says below---
To be master of any branch of knowledge, you must master those which lie next to it; and thus to know anything you must know all. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child. ~George Bernard Shaw
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. ~Robert Jarvik
Leaders need to be optimists. Their vision is beyond the present. ~Rudy Giuliani
I suppose that leadership at one time meant muscle; but today it means getting along with people. ~Indira Gandhi
Ok ppl, gtg...really, think clearly about what I wrote...Lets make a better world around us and have a good knowledge. Education is IMPORTANT!
Love you all n God bless you!
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